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Product Details

Four Miss Sha county mixed noodles peanut butter flavor bags can be boiled and dried mixed noodles non fried instant noodles instant noodles full box

KSh 139
Stock: 80000PCS


Shipped from overseas, By Air: 10-15 days;By Ship :30-40 days.
Amanbo Purchasing Center
Visit Store

Import or not : No

Origin : Henan

Product category : Instant Dry noodles

Shelf Life : 9 months

Brand : Miss four

Net content (specification) : 110g

Packing specification (number of boxes) : 20

Manufacturer : Henan zhengnonghe Food Co., Ltd.

Raw materials and ingredients : Pastry, sauce bag, vegetable bag

Production Date : Factory Direct hair recently produced

Storage method : Please put it in a cool and dry place to avoid direct sunlight at high temperature.

Production License number : SC10741082200910

Packaging specifications : Miss four Shaxian mixed noodles * 1 bag

Packaging specifications : Miss four Shaxian mixed noodles * 5 bags

Packaging specifications : Miss four Shaxian mixed noodles * 10 bags.

Packaging specifications : Miss si Shaxian mixed noodles * 20 bags

Packaging specifications : Miss four mixed noodles with ghost pepper and soul * 1 bag

Packaging specifications : Miss four ghost pepper gouhun noodles * 5 bags

Packaging specifications : Miss four ghost pepper gouhun noodles * 10 bags

Packaging specifications : Miss four ghost pepper gouhun noodles * 20 bags

Packaging specifications : Miss four fried noodles * 1 bag

Packaging specifications : Miss four fried noodles * 5 bags

Packaging specifications : Miss four fried noodles * 10 bags

Packaging specifications : Miss four fried noodles * 20 bags

Packaging specifications : Mixed noodles * 5 bags

Packaging specifications : Mixed noodles * 10 bags

Packaging specifications : Mixed noodles * 20 bags

Packaging specifications : Miss si Shaxian mixed noodles * 10 bags

Packing method : Bulk

Packaging Type : Bag

Storage Conditions : Room temperature

China Time-honored brand Certificate No. : Not available

Geographical indication product certificate number : Not available

Manufacturing process : Non-fried

Product Certification : No


炸酱面 沙县拌面 方便面 泡面 速食 鬼椒勾魂拌面 非油炸 免煮 批发 代发 拌面 干拌面

KSh 139

Packaging specifications

Miss four fried noodles * 1 bag
Miss four fried noodles * 5 bags
Miss four Shaxian mixed noodles * 1 bag
Miss four fried noodles * 10 bags
Miss four Shaxian mixed noodles * 5 bags
Miss four fried noodles * 20 bags
Miss four Shaxian mixed noodles * 10 bags.
Mixed noodles * 5 bags
Miss si Shaxian mixed noodles * 20 bags
Mixed noodles * 10 bags
Miss four mixed noodles with ghost pepper and soul * 1 bag
Mixed noodles * 20 bags
Miss four ghost pepper gouhun noodles * 5 bags
Miss si Shaxian mixed noodles * 10 bags
Miss four ghost pepper gouhun noodles * 10 bags
Miss four ghost pepper gouhun noodles * 20 bags


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  • Stock : 80000PCS
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